“Be patient toward all that is unsolved in your heart and try to love the questions themselves. Do not now seek the answers, which cannot be given you because you would not be able to live them. And the point is to live everything. Live the questions”
i was looking for a different quote by Rainer Maria Rilke, but this one jumped off the page, grabbed hold of me, shook me and screamed - this is what you need to hear today.
and it is.
i am experiencing a lot of emotions today. it's much easier to sit with and try not to grasp at some emotions, typically the ones i want the least (anxiety, fear, etc). but i am noticing some strong uprising of anger, jealousy and things of the like.
i've wanted to be more faithful to this blog for some time now. i've yearned for a consistent pattern to manifest itself, but that just isn't something that will materialize on its own. it's not as if i'll awaken one day to find that i've unknowingly written entries every day (or every week, or sheesh, even every month). this is something i must DO for it to occur. seems like an obvious statement, doesn't it?
anyway, i've found it a little easier to keep up with my five year diary. i keep it with me and i jot a quick note here or there. i don't manage to do it every day, but i have been more apt to journal now than at any other time in my life. i am hoping that is the gateway.
also, if you've ever left a comment here, i've just seen it today... evidently, i didn't change the setting so that i'd be informed when that occurred, and i honestly didn't realize anyone had read this... so, thanks for stopping by & stay classy. <3