Tuesday, August 16, 2011

shake, shake, shake...

so, my friend, "swami" let me borrow his omega juicer and i've been really enjoying the heck outta this thing.  i mentioned that i made pecan nut butter but i didn't much get into the juicer.  this guy is quiet, and so easy to clean.  i've really loved it.

i made cantaloupe juice (mixed w berry flavored vega), apple juice (w vanilla chai vega) and grapefruit/apple juice.  i am seriously loving the juice.  over this past weekend, i watched fat, sick and nearly dead.  consequentially i was all the more driven to the juice.  in addition to being tasty, drinking fresh juice really gives the ole immune system a boost, increases vitamin/enzyme intake, helps with mental clarity and about a million other awesome things.  i'm hooked!  :)  i'm all about the green monsters, too!  in fact, i'd actually been struggling with the decision to take the leap and purchase my own juicer.  (swami actually let me borrow his in effort to encourage me to make the right decision about which one to get.  i'm still torn.  i want to check out the breville's, too.) 

last night i actually started getting a migraine... sad face.  i haven't had one of those in months.  the daily yoga & meditation practice have really made a difference.  and experimenting with veganism as well as the short-term juice fast were both highly influential.  but there were a couple of days in my recent history when i went a little too hard on myself - trying to cram everything into 24 hours can sometimes do that to us.  interpersonal conflicts can sometimes stress out those of us who just want everyone to BE HAPPY (and feel it's our job to make that dream a reality).  so, by yesterday afternoon, things were getting a little... tense.  anyway, i got in the kitchen, mixed up a banana/almond butter/chocolate vega shake, did a short 15-min meditation, prayed heartily and headed out the door to my monday night class... and wouldn't you know, all i have left today is some muscular tension and a slight headache.  miracle of miracles!

i feel like i should give that banana some credit.  the texture in the smoothy was still rough, but it did it's job, and i couldn't be more excited. guess i'll keep them in the rotation.  ;)

so, i'm torn.  i don't know if i can commit to saying goodbye to fiber.  with a vita mix or blendtec, you get to keep all of that.  and grind up other things, too...  so anyway, last night, swami brought me his vita mix so that i can try it out.  we'll see how it goes. 

i'm so excited!

oh, and looking forward to the possibility of a juice party... another yoga instructor at the shala has TWO of her own juicers.  (one masticating and one centrifugal.)  i want to get all our devices together and juice the night away, coming up with different concoctions...  maybe make it a party?  i can't think of a better way to celebrate my golden birthday!

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