Sunday, October 2, 2011

play time!

more pics from yesterday:

went to Susan's class this morning - it felt sooo good to work out some of the soreness.  my practice was all over the place.  i had to laugh - the whole time.  it was fun and funny and silly and completely the opposite of yesterday's intensity.  wrapped it up with a little paperwork and headed out...

leaving the studio, feeling the brisk autumn air, seeing nothing but blue skies = the perfect sunday.

went to whole foods, spent too much money, got a yummy juice and some "juice".  and omg, i made dinner.  didn't take a photo because i couldn't stop eating it.  so good.  this is so not like me, to be able to just throw things together and have them taste amazing, but holy cow.  seriously.

1/2 red onion, sliced
2 (small) zukes, sliced
1 c. whole wheat pasta (i used penne)
2 T goat cheese, crumbled
fresh basil, to taste

i put the onions in a skillet w the evoo and let that go on med/low-ish heat for a while... during which time i was rumaging around, trying to figure out what the heck i was gonna do.  so, maybe about 20 mins?  low and slow... gotta get those onions dark & sweet.  i roasted the zukes, plain in the oven at 500, but next time i'll season them w garlic salt & pepper.  maybe turn it down to 450 (i was impatient at this point).  boiled some water, cooked the pasta al dente, reserving some of the water.  tossed the pasta, onion, zuke & goat cheese together & i did that chiffonade thing to the basil and mixed it in, too.  the cheese melted like a dream.  i only added a spoonful of the pasta water, just to keep things loose.  (made 2 servings)

and then the girl was happy.

i paired it with a glass of red, which i'm sure breaks some kind of food rule, but whatever.  me likey.

bonus:  the fridge was clean.  haha.  ;)

maybe next time i'll throw in some sun-dried tomatoes, maybe a little eggplant... who knows!

i'll have the leftovers tomorrow and try to remember a photo. 

love & light!

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